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Baptism & Dedication

Here at Emmanuel Christian Fellowship, we baptise new Christians by full immersion in water, which we see as the biblical way of baptism.

We dedicate babies to the Lord (rather than christening them) because every baptism we read of in the Bible is by full immersion and is for people who have personally become believers through their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

In our dedication services, we pray for God’s protection over each child as they grow, and for wisdom and guidance for the parents; that they may be a Godly example to their children in the home, and that they will place their faith in Jesus Christ, receiving Him into their lives as they grow, so coming to understand the unique (and exciting) plan He has for each of their lives.

If you would like to know more about baptisms and dedications then please do come and talk to us.

Baptismal Service For Mark, Kamil and Andrew 24th July 2022

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